
Bøker til Urtemedisin

Dette er pensumlitteratur for år 3 i utdanningen og gjelder for skoleåret 2024-2025. For de første to årene av utdanningen, må du se på bokliste til terapeututdanninger. I tillegg vil pensum bestå av artikler du finner inne på skolen.

NB! Klikk på bokens tittel for å bestille

Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy

Forfatter: Kerry Bone, Simon Mills
ISBN: 9780443069925

The authoritative and comprehensive modern textbook on western herbal medicine - now in its second edition This long-awaited second edition of Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy covers all major aspects of herbal medicine from fundamental concepts, traditional use and scientific research through to safety, effective dosage and clinical applications.

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Medicinal Herbs in Primary Care

Forfatter: Jean M. Bokelmann
ISBN: 9780323846769

Written specifically for the conventional medical healthcare provider, Medicinal Herbs in Primary Care forms an integral part of the primary care tool belt. Through a series of system-based disease tables, this unique title provides quick, authoritative guidance for the busy practitioner whose patient is requesting guidance on medicinal herbs. Finnes også som e-bok

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Totalt ca. kr 1500

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